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Spooky Obsessed

 The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.

H.P. Lovecraft

We are here to tap into those emotions, fears and the curiosity of the unknown.  Spooky Obsessed serves as a vessel to project our passions, and clue in our fellow spooky obsessed to what might be out there in this crazy world. So, sit back, relax, and read on.

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Leap Castle

Leap Castle is located in County Offaly, Ireland. Built in the 1500s, it is the longest continually inhabited Castle in Ireland. Prior to...

Hollywood Forever Cemetery

Hollywood Forever Cemetery Hollywood Memorial Park was opened in 1899 by businessman Isaac Van Nuys. It would go on to be the final...

The Spookiest Cemetery in the South

St. Louis Cemetery No. 1 was opened in the New Orleans French Quarter in 1789. It is the oldest Cemetery in the city. There are 700 souls...

The Jersey Devil and Benjamin Franklin

“It was a dark and stormy night in 1735 when I was called to the Leeds’ home to attend to the birth of the 13th Leeds child. Mother Leeds...

The Oakville Blobs

On August 7 1994 in Oakville Washington, Officer David Lacey was on patrol. At 3:00 am It started to rain. Officer Lacey turned on his...

Divine Intervention

Martha Paul had been the choir director at the West Side Baptist Church in Beatrice, Nebraska since 1920. Martha was very strict about...

The People Under the Stairs

Jordan Peel is a master of comedy and a master of horror now too! He is adding a remake of The People Under the Stairs to his credits. It...

Tulip Staircase Ghost

Paranormal activity is often reported at the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich, England. Reports include footsteps, doors closing by...

Mary Lee

This photo was taken at the Waverly Hills Sanatorium (Louisville, KY) in 2006 by Tom Halstead is believed to be the spirit of Mary Lee....

The Brown Lady

This photo of the Brown Lady was taken in 1936 but sightings of her have been reported since the early 1800s. Believed to be Lady Dorothy...

San Antonio Crossing

Legend has it that on a rainy day in the 1930s a school bus broke down in the middle of the railroad tracks in San Antonio, TX. Unable to...

Newby Monk

Meet the "Newby Monk" from Newby Church in North Yorkshire, UK. In 1963, Reverend K. F. Lord was alone while taking photos in Newby...

Amityville Ghost Picture

Amityville Ghost Most people know the Amityville story told by George and Kathy Lutz. Man marries woman, moves the family into Amityville...

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